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A member registered Apr 17, 2018

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This was so good! 

I really like how the context and the things that happen during the story kinda make you feel like you're trapped. The whole "we're pursued by this powerful group and aren't really safe anywhere" +  the different scenes when you are actually trapped (in the forest with Aziel and his troops, when you meet the Rebels near the shrine, when you fall into Aziel's trap...) and feel like you can't escape (because you're literally surrounded by enemies), it was really great. 

Another thing that left a strong eimpression on me was everything that happened with Aura. I have sisters, of course I relate. And the fact that you aren't even able to bring back her body is really a hard blow, good job on that. I felt really bad for the whole first part of the game. 

And the very last part of the demo, when you finally understand how the first thing is linked to the rest, but that only brings more questions... (+ Aura coming back to stab my poor heart) It was great as well, it really hit me.

Sorry, my comment is kind of a mess, I've just finished the demo (its was a really long demo, that surprised me) and I'm still thinking about it (and english isn't my first language). But really, it was great, and I'm definitely going to buy and play the whole game when it comes out! Thank you for this really cool game and keep up the good work!